For students looking to pass the CNA and HVAC exam, I would highly recommend investing in a study guide that contains sample questions from the exam. This will give you a much better idea of what to expect on the actual day of the exam. This will also allow you to develop strategies for excelling on the test. When it comes down to it, preparing for any type of exam test requires hours of studying. Having a resource right there to grab when you get into the testing room will allow you to focus on mastering the skills and knowledge you need to pass.
As I mentioned above, this review is based on the entire CNA and HVAC field. The program comes with an excellent practice exam and study guide. Most programs also include a scoring sheet that you can use to see how you are doing along with a complete list of sample questions. As you progress through the review, you will see your passing score increase because you are consistently mastering the concepts presented.
There is also an online interactive calculator provided in the package which you can use to see how you are doing on the exam. This tool is easy to use and can save you valuable time studying for the exam. Because of its simplicity, it can be considered as one of the better resources available to help prepare for the exam. Achieving a superior score on the hrci phr exam will require dedication and time from you and the best place to find that dedication is within the study guide and the exam test.
The way the tests are set up is unique to every area of Certified Nursing Assistant training. This is why it is so important to review the material as thoroughly as possible before taking the exam. The exam consists of two sections, an information section and a practical/practical section. In the information section, students will need to demonstrate knowledge of basic nursing skills. During the practical/practical section, students will be asked to perform a variety of tasks, which will determine their passing score.
Although the phr exam tests do not vary tremendously from state to state, it is strongly recommended that students register for a test from the testing site they intend on taking the exam from in order to have an accurate score. Many students choose to take the test from an internet-based provider because there is no paper or other material to prepare for. However, this method puts students at a disadvantage because there is no check on their progress. The only way to know if you have correctly answered a question is to re-take the exact same question. For this reason, many people prefer to take the test from a testing site where they can keep a notebook with the questions. It is also a good idea to bring a notepad and pen to write down answers rather than rely solely on memory.
If you do not pass the first time you take the exam, there are a few tips that will help you get over the hurdle. First, review previous exam grades carefully and try to determine what areas you may have been weak in. Reviewing the entire course may seem tedious, but you need to make sure that you completely understand all of the material in order to successfully complete the exam. Even if you have not taken the exam before, there are plenty of sample questions available online that you can review before the real thing.
If you cannot find the correct answer for one question on the sample or practice exam, try another question until you find the correct answer. Most people will be satisfied with a passing score of about 200 on the first try, but do not become discouraged if you score less than this on the actual exam. It is possible that you did not correctly answer one question or two, but most exam taking forums will have suggestions and tips that can help you improve your score. As long as you are persistent in your effort to succeed, you will be able to pass the HRMI phr exam taking process.